ABOUT ME! Welcome to MY BLOG!📔 (Chemical Product Design, 2021) Hello, I am Nander from DCHE2B01. As the new semester approaches, I will be taking up new modules for my chemical engineering learning journey. This semester, an interesting module called Chemical Product Design & Development will be taught and I'm more than happy to learn this module. To give a little preview, this module will involve designing and prototyping skills. In particular, I will be learning how to use Computer-Aided Design (CAD) using Fusion 360, Laser Cutting, 3D Printing and Embedded Programming. Sounds INTERESTING right? As part of this learning journey, I'll be blogging to share what I learnt from this module. Hope you enjoy the blogs! I'll be updating it weekly till the end of this semester. I hope to... As part of the learning, I hope I can improve my skills in using the techniques and software that will be introduced in this module. Below lists two personal goals that I wish to achieve ...