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Welcome to MY BLOG!📔

(Chemical Product Design, 2021)

Hello, I am Nander from DCHE2B01. As the new semester approaches, I will be taking up new modules for my chemical engineering learning journey. This semester, an interesting module called Chemical Product Design & Development will be taught and I'm more than happy to learn this module. To give a little preview, this module will involve designing and prototyping skills. In particular, I will be learning how to use Computer-Aided Design (CAD)  using Fusion 360, Laser Cutting, 3D Printing and Embedded Programming. Sounds INTERESTING right?

As part of this learning journey, I'll be blogging to share what I learnt from this module. Hope you enjoy the blogs!  I'll be updating it weekly till the end of this semester.

I hope to...

As part of the learning, I hope I can improve my skills in using the techniques and software that will be introduced in this module. Below lists two personal goals that I wish to achieve in CP5070 module by the end of this semester.
  • I want to improve my skills in Fusion360 and Arduino Programming
  • I want to improve my blogging skill so that it could possibly be used as a portfolio later on
These skills are important to help me to design and develop the prototype. I understand that I will be exposed to new things and so I must be open to learning no matter how hard it will be. I believe that enjoying the process is more important than the result. Moreover, I hope to strengthen the teamwork of my group.

I will be...

In order to achieve my goals, I will need some strategic steps to help me. 
  • To improve my skills in Fusion360, I will try out tutorials from YouTube during my free time to help me familiarise myself and understand more about what Fusion360 is capable of. This is largely due to the fact that school can only teach that much, in order to really master it, I will need more time on my own to figure it out. After I am more comfortable with the skill, I will try to design some of the objects that I may need on Fusion360.
  • To improve my blogging skills, I will go to YouTube to learn more about the function of Blogger. This can help to create nicer looking blog. Also, I will need to be consistent with my uploads so that I can maintain the standard.

By the end of the Semester...

  • To know that I have acquired the skills for Fusion360, I will deliver the 3D prototype that my team has been working on using Fusion360.
  • My blog will look neat and organized. Not only that, the reader must be able to easily comprehend the blog information as that is the purpose of this blog.

A little more about myself...

For this class, I will be working together with two of my teammates to form a group called "TRIO". Together, we will be improving on our ideas ideated during last semester. As a team, we have set some rules so that the team can collaborate and achieve more together. Other than that, we have assigned roles to each member so that we will be clear about what to do for the group work.


1. Always be PUNCTUAL (always be on time for group discussion/meeting)
2. Be RESPONSIVE (equal contribution of ideas)
3. Be CONSISTENT with the quality of work 
4. Be RESPONSIBLE for your individual work (update blog weekly)

Roles & Responsibilities👀👂👄👦👧👦

Steward ----- Leader 
      • Submit assignment on time
      • Ensure the team is on the right track
      • Allocate specific work for group members
      • Be open and listen to members' opinion
Kittitat ---- Recorder
      • Take note of the decision and idea made during the decision
      • Remind the group about the deadline of the assignment
      • Ensure everyone is on task                                
Nander ---- Organizer
      • Keep files and documents organized
      • Create a neat folder with all the files inside

MEETING TIME: Monday 9pm - 12am


  1. 2021. Chemical Product Design. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 October 2021].
